Why Therapy?

“Safety is not the absence of threat, it is the presence of connection”

Gabor Mate

Therapy is not just for people with mental health disorders. Understanding your emotions, thoughts and behaviours is beneficial for anyone. Many of us were not taught how to identify or cope with what we are feeling. As a result, we have a society that is characterised by emotional avoidance and suppression. Many people were taught from a young age that displays of emotion may not be safe, and often led to disconnection. Therapy can provide you with an experience of connection, and in time, healing.

A clinical psychologist can help you identify your challenges, and tailor a treatment plan based on your symptoms. Therapy can be client led and you will work with your clinical psychologist to set your own goals. Therapy doesn’t force you to “confront your demons” in an unsafe way. A clinical psychologist will complete thorough assessment and provide adequate emotional safety for you in your sessions.

Clinical Psychologists are experts in psychology and complete a total of 6 years of university study followed by a further 2 years of supervised practice. They also have stringent Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements and undergo a further 30 hours of supervision and training per year to ensure they are delivering the most up to date, evidence-based treatment to their clients. Clinical Psychologists also have a strict ethical code and firm motto of “do no harm”.

Should you choose to begin therapy, you will be safely supported to work through your identified challenges and to understand any patterns of behaviour which may be preventing you from living a rich and meaningful life.

“We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds,

but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world”

Gabor Mate