About Maggie

Hi! I’m Maggie and I am here to prove that I am the least judgmental human in your life.

I became a Psychologist because I believe deeply in the power of emotional expression and I am a truly empathic person. Prior to choosing psychology as a career I worked in education. It was in classrooms that I was inspired to help others. I wanted to understand the root cause of behaviour. It was also in classrooms that I found my deep-rooted passion to eradicate the term “the naughty kid”. I’ve since wanted to help parents, teachers and our society as a whole to understand humans and what drives our behaviour.  I truly believe no one is “bad”, we are all just coping with our emotional experiences the best we can.

It's important to know that I have a realist sense of humour and I’m not here to sugar coat life’s challenges. I am someone who acknowledges that life is full of joy and pain, and that there’s no point denying the latter.

I have a lived experience of trauma, depression, anxiety, ADHD, fertility challenges, miscarriage, infant loss, front line child protection work, vicarious trauma and burn out, and post-partum depression and anxiety.

I adore therapy, I have a deep passion for helping people through crisis. I also derive my motivation from challenges! So in short… there’s nothing you’ve got that I can’t handle. General feedback from my clients is that they like that I’m “not like a psych” and “a real person” and I can truly “get how they feel”.

I love working with adults and children. If you’ve found your way here in search of help for your child, you’re in the right place. I have an innate connection with children and LOVE to incorporate play into therapy. I am a mother myself and I have worked with children in various capacities for 20 years. Before I became a psychologist, I was studying education and worked in child protection settings. I’ve always known I would work with children and parents and it’s my biggest passion.

“Success as a therapist is not found in doing something for the client, but rather being someone for the client”

Ili Rivera Walter